Abaad Agenda Mechanism for Forthcoming Stage Approved

Abaad Studies and Research Center five-member Board of Trustees held its regular meeting in the presence of all members following the decision to expand it and add two members. The meeting approved the set of administrative and financial reforms proposed by the Chairman of the Council.
During the meeting, the board approved the recommendations of the minutes of the previous meeting, which proposed resuming the Center activities from inside Yemen, restructuring the Center administrative bodies, expanding the scope of research to include the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Gulf, paying more attention to external relations and partnerships with donors, launching activities, launching an Abaad Forum, and improving the center’s outputs to ensure they meet international standards. Successes and failures of the previous stage plan were discussed.
During the meeting, reports of the directors of the center’s various departments were reviewed. The director of research presented a summary of the center’s research production. The projects director presented a briefing of the most important achievements and challenges, while the director of Ma’rib branch reviewed the foundational phase of resuming the center activities from inside Yemen and the relevant aspirations. Finally, the director of the Aden office briefed the meeting on the requirements of resuming the work of the center's main office in the capital.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees also reviewed the evaluation and progress of the center and put forward proposals to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the center during the next phase. A set of decisions were voted on, the most important of which were the following: setting up a serious oversight and inspection committee and a governance committee, appointing an executive director, determining the pay scale, appointing department directors, appointing and classifying the center staff in the relevant job categories, and establishing a branch of the center abroad based on the recommendations of the meeting. A new agenda mechanism for the forthcoming stage was also approved.